
Qualico Communities Winnipeg Blog

May 5, 2024 Topics: Lifestyle

Having a home that backs onto a public reserve can be quite scenic. Homeowners can look out their windows to enjoy the naturalized areas that are usually incorporated along trails, parks and wetlands. Native grasses and plants provide valuable habitat and food sources to local wildlife while also helping to clean our air and watershed.

Unfortunately, these beautiful parks and trails can be easily damaged when homeowners hire contractors who use them to access backyards to make improvements. If you are a homeowner who is planning any backyard renovations that require access through a public reserve such as a trail or park, please be sure to get permits. Learn more in this blog. 

May 1, 2024 Topics: Lifestyle

Knowing who maintains which boulevard can be confusing. To help clarify the procedures on boulevard maintenance, we’ve put together this guide to help you determine who is responsible for a specific area.

April 14, 2024 Topics: Nature
Qualico Communities understands that a neighbourhood is an organic living thing, which is why we continue to partner with Native Plant Solutions, a branch of Ducks Unlimited, in the planning and management of our communities to ensure that we are creating healthy communities that flourish.

April 2, 2024 Topics: Lifestyle
Spring can be a smelly time of year for dog owners, especially when turds can no longer freeze into poopsicles. It’s one thing to become lenient in picking up the poop in your own backyard but imagine seeing and smelling everyone else’s soggy dog poop when you’re out on a walk.

March 18, 2024 Topics: Nature

Naturalized wetlands have become key features in the creation of our Qualico communities. Wetland construction is a detailed and timely process; it takes multiple phases or stages that progress over a number of years in order for a wetland to reach full maturity. However, once completely established, a naturalized wetland provides many benefits to a community such as helping to clean the watershed, providing valuable habitat for local wildlife and plant species, and offering a place of relaxation and recreation for residents and visitors alike.

Take a look below to see how it all begins (and grows!)

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