
Qualico Communities Winnipeg Blog

December 18, 2017 Topics: Lifestyle
Young children need intellectual stimulation, and not the kind found in a text book. They need to learn how to carry out some of the most essential elements of human life, such as solving problems, asking questions, and more!

August 7, 2017 Topics: Lifestyle
A house doesn’t become a home until it’s been lived in, new memories have been made and personal touches have been added to make it uniquely the residents home. Whether you are in the process of building or just moved in and looking to decorate to your personal style, you can always find ways to personalize your home. 

July 3, 2017
Now that the warm weather is here, Winnipeggers are firing up their barbeques and spending as much time as they can outside. Whether you’re hosting for four people or 50 people, there are many more factors to consider. 

June 5, 2017 Topics: Lifestyle
You and your family are getting ready to create new memories in a brand-new home but now that means it’s time pack up all your belongings. To help eliminate the unneeded stress and make the move as seamless as possible, we’re giving you a list of tips you can use to make the process a lot more enjoyable.

March 27, 2017 Topics: Lifestyle
Schools are officially empty as kids have left their notebooks and pencils behind and are now enjoying a week-long break filled with fun and a little extra sleep. Here are some activity ideas to ensure your week is packed with fun!

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