
Qualico Communities Winnipeg Blog

June 26, 2023 Topics: Nature
Canada thistle is a perennial, noxious weed that has spear-like leaves with sharp barbs. This species has a deep and extensive root system that can rapidly grow back from even a small piece of root.

May 11, 2023 Topics: Nature
When imagining our dream home, many of us picture a lawn full of lush green grass. However, maintaining a picturesque lawn takes a lot of time and resources. Homeowners need to regularly mow, water, aerate, de-weed and sometimes fertilize their grass to maintain its desired look. Manicured lawns have become a source of pride and a standard in many areas; however, this is beginning to change.

November 14, 2022 Topics: Nature

Qualico Communities' commitment to sustainability is at the core of our culture and embedded in our communities. It’s an important part of who we are, and we demonstrate this responsibility each day by creating environments where people, plants and wildlife coexist.

April 26, 2021 Topics: Nature

A rain garden can add a beautiful display of colour to your yard and provide food and habitat to pollinators all while helping to clean our waterways.

April 19, 2021 Topics: Nature
To an extent any garden with flowering plants is a pollinator garden; yet pollinators are declining worldwide. Over 80 per cent of flowering plants need pollinators such as bees, birds, butterflies and other animals to develop seed or fruit to reproduce. Having available pollinators is as essential to most flowering plants as water, sunlight and good soil. In fact, most of the earth’s ecosystems including much of our food supply are dependent on pollinators. With hundreds of pollinator species on the verge of extinction, it’s imperative to provide extra support to pollinators to ensure they have the habitat they need.

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